FMLinea plug-in (framework)

FMLinea adds support for devices from Infinite Peripherals that allow you to scan a barcode, read a magnetic card and a RFID tag directly in an application created with FileMaker iOS App SDK

How to send a command to FMLinea

You need to create a command, based on Open URL script step

Setup FMLinea

Open URL [ With dialog: Off ; "imaster://fmlinea?dbName=Demo&scriptBarcode=FMLinea_scan&
scriptCC=FMLinea_scancc" ]

scriptBarcode - name of the script, that will be run with each barcode scan

scriptCC - name of the script, that will be run with each magnet card scan

dbName - name of the data base

Get info command

Open URL [ With dialog: Off ; "imaster://fmlinea?info=1" ]


You can try demo version of FMLinea plug-in, using XprojectFM app, that allow to build Xcode project with embedded plug-in

Demo version will add random * in scanned barcodes

Download Xproject