PushFM plugin (framework)

PushFM allows you yo receive push notifications in FileMaker iOS App SDK application

How to send a command to PushFM

You need to create a command, based on Open URL script step

Get access command

Open URL [ With dialog: Off ; "imaster://pushfm?pushScript=PushFM_get_push" ]

pushScript - name of the script, that will be launched, when push notification will be received

Get info command

Open URL [ With dialog: Off ; "imaster://pushfm?info=1" ]


You can try demo version of PushFM plug-in, using XprojectFM app, that allow to build Xcode project with embedded plug-in.

Demo version only demonstrates ability to register iOS device on Apple Push Notification Service.

Download Xproject

Please contacts us, if you need to implement push notifications in your FileMaker projects.

Contact us